Affordable, regular speaking practice with professional business English teachers.
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What You Get In
We-Speak-Business Unlimited

Speaking Lessons In A Live Classroom Everyday

Professional Teachers And Native Speakers

Study Anywhere On Any Device

Get Access To More Than 1300 Previous Videos And Watch Replays

Positive And Supportive Learning Environment

Talk After The Lesson In A Special Student Chat
How It Works
Log In and Start Learning
Every student gets access to our video library that includes all previous lessons and the schedule of all upcoming lessons. Every lesson is available from any place with an Internet connection. You can study in your car, on the beach, in your office, or anywhere!

Join a Live Lesson or Watch the Replay
Students can join live lessons with professional teachers and native speakers every day. If they can't participate in the live lesson, they can watch recorded lessons. Topics and times of lessons are scheduled a month in advance.
Speak, Speak, Speak
If you want to get as much business speaking practice as possible, then this course is for you. This immersion program will break your language barrier. If you are available every day, you can participate every day. There is no limit to how many lessons you can join!

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More About We-Speak-Business Unlimited

Log On From Anywhere
Our system lets you log on from your computer, phone, or tablet and participate in live lessons with professional teachers. All you need is an Internet connection!

New Topics
Learn new vocabulary, words, and phrases about real-life topics. Get practice speaking about a variety of practical themes that you can discuss when you meet people.

Speaking Practice
Practice speaking with professional teachers, native speakers, and other students. Learn pronunciation and get experience, while having fun!

Recorded Lessons
We record lessons and you get access to the recordings of past lessons. You can always log in to your account to review lessons and learn something new.

Scheduled Lessons
We schedule lessons and announce which topics will be discussed on which days so you can choose which lessons you want to participate in and plan your studies.

Expert Guidance
We-Speak-Business Unlimited is led by experienced, professional teachers with tons of experience and native speakers who can provide valuable insight into using English for business.